Tarot Readings

Tarot has long been associated with medieval Europe and fortune-telling. Tarot’s true purpose is to offer guidance into one’s life and provide clarity and self-reflection. Tarot includes cards that depict everyday situations and events that could occur in a person’s lifetime. The cards are laid out in patterns (spreads) where they are then interpreted for deeper understanding of circumstances and outcomes. Tarot can inspire imagination and mindfulness allowing for great confidence and connection to intuition thus helping in decision making and analysis of life situations.
A traditional tarot deck consists of 78 cards. There are 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana with four suits of 14 cards each. The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles each of which hold an integral part of a tarot reading.
In addition to tarot we offer a series of Oracle Card readings. Much like tarot these cards can tell a story and help open your mind to looking at situations from different perspectives.
If this sounds like something you would like to try, book an appointment today with Littleredyoga, LLC.