Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga, the yoga of awareness, is a powerful spiritual practice which includes a combination of physical postures and movement (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), meditation, and chanting (mantra). Kundalini Yoga can strengthen your nervous system, glandular system, circulatory system, and bring an overall joyful balance while increasing flexibility and strength as you deepen the connections with your divine self.
Each practice (Kriya) is designed to balance and activate the body’s energy centers, leading to a greater sense of vitality, clarity, and awareness.
At the heart of Kundalini yoga is the concept of Kundalini energy. This energy is a powerful force that lies at the base of the spine and is often depicted as a coiled serpent. When this energy is awakened through Kundalini yoga practice, it rises up through the chakras, clearing blockages and releasing stagnant energy as it rises through the body.
With continued practice, many practitioners find Kundalini Yoga has a profound impact on their spiritual growth and personal development. Kundalini yoga can help you connect more deeply with your higher self, finding true love and compassion for yourself, and freeing yourself from limiting beliefs.
Some of the healing benefits of Kundalini yoga include deepening your connection to the layers of your being; Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally:
- Physical Body Healing: Kundalini yoga can help to promote physical healing by balancing the body’s energy centers and promoting circulation and oxygenation of the blood. This can lead to improved immune function, reduced inflammation, increased vitality and strengthen your nervous system.
- Mental Body Connection: Kundalini yoga is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation, deep breathing, and meditation. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, Kundalini yoga can reduce the body’s stress response and promote a greater sense of calm and connection to the mental body.
- Emotional Body Awareness: Kundalini Yoga allows practitioners to release blocked emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, worry, guilt, and resentment and promotes emotional healing. Through the practice of kriyas the underlying factors causing pent up emotions are accessed to allow for healing to begin.
Some of the spiritual benefits of Kundalini yoga include:
- Increased awareness and consciousness to all that is
- Greater sense of purpose and direction in one’s life
- Heightened intuition and connection
- Enhanced ability to experience and express love to yourself and others
- Greater sense of interconnectedness and oneness with all beings including yourself
- Connecting deeper with their higher self and the divine
- Greater spiritual growth and development.
If you’re interested in exploring Kundalini yoga we encourage you to try out one of our in-studio classes. Our skilled and trained instructors will guide you on your journey and provide compassionate support as you work to awaken your powerful Kundalini energy.