Locate Littleredyoga Contracts on the MindBody App
Use this step-by-step tutorial for accessing contracts on the MindBody app. you’ve downloaded to your smartphone.
- Step 1: Launch the MindBody App
- Step 2: Choose Litteredyoga under your “Book a Favorite”
- Step 3: Select “Profile” in the lower right corner
- Step 5: Select the bar at the top of the screen and search for “littleredyoga”
- Step 6: Select “Littleredyoga, LLC”
- Step 7: Select “VIEW PRICING”
- Step 8: Select “MORE”
- Step 9 Select the contract you want to purchase
Watch the Contract video – Click here to expand
Locate Littleredyoga Appointments on the MindBody App
Use this step-by-step tutorial for accessing appointments on the MindBody app. you’ve downloaded to your smartphone.
- Step 1: Launch the MindBody App
- Step 2: Choose Litteredyoga under your “Book a Favorite”
- Step 3: Select “Profile” in the lower right corner
- Step 5: Select the bar at the top of the screen and search for “littleredyoga”
- Step 6: Select “Littleredyoga, LLC”
- Step 7: Select “VIEW PRICING”
- Step 8: Select “APPTS”
- Step 9 Select the appointment you want to book